Woodlawn High School


ANNOUNCEMENTS - September 13, 2024

Boys Soccer Players are asked to ensure their forms are handed in to Mr. Dempsey in room 103 before leaving for their tournament today.

Do you love crochet? Would you like to learn how so you can make some homemade gifts for your grandma? Come to the yoga loft on Monday at lunch and relax while learning this valuable skill.

Woodlawn High Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) will be on Mondays at lunch in the Youth Health Centre, Rm 219. Beginning this Mon, Sept 16.

Improv, Improv, Improv! All students interested in comedy, theatre games, having fun, and meeting new people should come to Pantherprov at lunch in Room 113A, the Drama room on Mondays starting Monday, September 16th. New Members are always welcome!

The deadline for all course changes is now in effect. Mrs. Dempster and Mrs. Williams would like to thank all students for their patience as they navigated many emails and requests.

Attention all students, especially all grade 12 students. Mrs. Dempster and Mrs. Williams would like to invite you all to the Woodlawn High Students Services Google page. This is where you will be able to get up-to-date information pertaining to your grade level, interests and post-secondary plans. Grade 12’s, you 100% need to sign up as there is a lot of important information regarding graduation, scholarships etc.
For Grades 10 & 11 - the code is qln3dzc
For Grade 12’s the code is bdbiair

Applications for the 2025 Loran Award are now open. The deadline is October 15th at 8PM.  These prestigious awards are for graduating high school students entering university in the Fall of 2025 and who demonstrate strength of character, a deep commitment to service, and intrinsic leadership potential. For more information please visit the Student Services Google classroom or email your School Counsellor.

University of Kings will be visiting the school on September 17th from 11:30  - 12:30 in the main foyer. Stop by and see what Kings has to offer.

There will be volleyball intramurals Monday at lunch in the new gym. All are welcome please wear sneakers to participate.
Best of luck to the Boys Soccer Team who are competing in a tournament at Kings Edgehill this weekend!

Both Boys and Girls Hockey Tryouts begin next week. Please make sure to sign up on the Google form and have forms returned to student services.

The Woodlawn Football Home Opener is Monday night against Citadel at 7PM.